AvidiMedia is an advanced image, media and news sharing script with many additional features.
It supports most popular video services, multiple image and video upload, animated gifs
and articles with mixed media content.

Contact: avidimedia@outlook.com


  • - Advanced Admin Panel
  • - Translation support
  • - Build-in private messaging system
  • - Drag & Drop Multiple Image Upload
  • - Mp3 files upload support
  • - VAST / VPAID for uploaded videos
  • - Fullscreen search with autocomplete
  • - Fullscreen gallery view in Lightbox
  • - Audio player with sound visualization
  • - Videos and Gifs Autoplay on Scroll
  • - Mp4 and Webm Video Upload support
  • - Mobile friendly, responsive design
  • - Easy ads placement with over 16 spots
  • - Custom pages with html content
  • - Automatic thumbnails creation
  • - Customizable Notification System
  • - Setting any Uploaded Video Frame as Thumbnail
  • - Build-in comment system with rich text editor and voting
  • - Separate comments and voting system for images
  • - Video Support for Youtube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Metacafe, VEVO, Liveleak, Twitter, Giphy, 9GAG, VK, Instagram, Streamable...


Web server: Apache 2.2 or grater (recommended)
PHP / MySQL: Your web server must be running at least PHP 5.6 and MySql 5.x.

Before installation

  • 1. Login to your server administration panel and create new MySql Database.
  • 2. Write down your database name, username, password and host.

Installtion with installer

After extracting the zip archive you'll find a folder called script. Upload all its content into your domain's root directory via FTP, then open your website in the browser. You will be redirected to installer page automatically.

You'll need to provide your database connection details that will be used to create database structure. Installer will check directories permissions and create required configuration files.

Manual installation

  • 1. Import tables.sql file located in /Install/resources folder into your database.
  • 2. Open Uploads folder and change permissions for all subdirectories to 0777.
  • 3. Proceed to Libs folder and rename _Settings.php to Settings.php.
  • 4. Open file and fill in MYSQL connection details.

First login

After successful installation open your website in the browser and login to admin panel:

  • Login: admin Password: admin123

To change your default password open your Dashboard from "My Account" dropdown menu and select "Change password".

From inside administration panel you can customize many different sections of your website. First open General settings tab and change your website's brand, main page title and logo.

All meta tags and titles can be customized in translation file located in Libs/Lang/en_EN.php

Enabling HTTP Secure (HTTPS)

Proceed to Libs folder located in your domains root path and open Settings.php file in text editor.
Locate line 4 and change http to https. Remember to save changes.

Now open .htaccess file located in your domains root folder and find line 256
Remove all hashes and save file.